It is no secret that damp has become an increasingly common problem in properties across the UK, especially those older properties that don’t have a modern damp proofing course installed. We can all be guilty of ‘ignoring’ the small damp patches or tiny spots of mould in the corner of the room; however, damp can quite easily become a serious issue if not dealt with accordingly, and the longer it is left, the more expensive the issue is likely to become. What may begin as damp musty smells, damp patches or peeling wall paper, can quickly become a somewhat dangerous issue, such as health issues and structural problems within your home. This blog will cover all the reasons and advantages of damp proofing your home and the main reasons why you should get your property damp proofed.

damp proof

Final Result of Damp Proof

Eliminate Damp Patches and Smells

Damp proofing your home will ensure that any signs of damp are not only removed from your home, but also prevented from happening again. Patches of damp or mould will be removed in the damp proofing process, and a new blank canvas will allow you to decorate as you like on a damp-expert surface. It should also be noted that painting over damp or mould will only cover it up on an extremely short-term basis, as the damp and mould will cause the paint to lift or crack.
The same applies to that ‘damp’ and ‘musty’ smell that can very quickly take over your home. If you are experiencing an unpleasant smell but not know where it is coming from; it may be the damp patch or mould spores you’ve ‘ignored’ or otherwise, they are hidden away. Although it can become a strong smell, it isn’t something that can’t be solved. The correct damp proofing carried out by our specialists will ensure the smell is taken away with the damp areas too.


Prevent Health Issues

We have touched on the potential risk of health issues, caused by damp in another one of our blogs, one to read! Mould typically appears in the form of unsightly patches of brown, black or green with a musty smell and if people in the home are exposed to this mould and the toxins, it can as dangerous as it is unpleasant. Health issues that are associated with damp and mould include headaches, wheezing, coughing and other flu like symptoms. Damp proofing walls will remove this as a health risk and ensure that you and your family remain healthy.

The Risk Of Structural Issues – Wet Rot & Dry Rot

Damp can not only affect you, but it can also have detrimental effects on the structure of your home. Bad damp conditions can damage the timbers in your property’s structure – something that you want to avoid. Wet rot occurs when a fungus makes timber damp or wet. This can make the wood spongy and mushy as it breaks the wood down into fibres, causing it to collapse and crumble away. Wet rot can also rot and fester in carpets, wallpapers and plaster.Dry rot is an even more serious condition than wet rot; it can attack any area of your property and even grow through walls into neighbouring properties. Dry rot is a fungus that causes wood decay, attacking and digesting parts of wood that gives timber its strength and stiffness. This fungus essentially diminishes timber into a crumbly, dry state Dry rot is caused when buildings and properties are poorly ventilated. Damp proofing your home will help to prevent both wet rot and dry rot.

The Value of Your Property

Damp is not something that will go away on its own, and painting over it is only a temporary fix. Instead, damp is an issue that is guaranteed to worsen over time. If you would consider selling your home, then damp in the property could cause you a few problems. It may put future buyers off your property, as not many people will want to invest in a new home that already has problems and issues – particularly problems that can cause health issues and smells. Damp proofing your home will ensure that your property is in top condition and the most appealing that it can be to buyers.

Looking for Damp Proof in Your Home?

If you find your property is sending you a message, then we at CavClear are here to help. Our team of damp-proofing specialists can provide an assessment, quote, and any other information you may need to determine if you should proceed with damp proofing and what would be the beneficial option for you and your home
Our team of fully accredited and qualified professionals will ensure your property is in the safest of hands.

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.