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Welcome to CavClear, your go-to solution for damp and mould issues in the North-West. With our team of 5-star rated experts, we provide cost-effective damp surveys and solutions.

Experiencing damp-related issues in your property? You’re not alone.
Damp can be caused by various factors, including rising damp, penetrative damp, and condensation damp. Our experienced team is here to assess your situation and provide the most effective solutions through our damp surveys, reports and recommendations.

Ready to say goodbye to damp for good?
Get in touch with CavClear today to schedule a survey or request a quote for damp-proofing works.

What Causes Damp?

There are a number of different reasons why you’re experiencing damp related issues in your house. The most common are:

  • Rising Damp
  • Penetrative damp
  • Condensation damp 

A CavClear Damp Survey allows us to identify the type of damp within your property and recommend the required works to stop damp for good!

Understanding Damp

It’s important we understand which type of damp is affecting your property.

Condensation related damp occurs when cold air comes into contact with a colder surface such as a wall. Over time these damp areas will undoubtedly form patches of mould. Mould will form anywhere the air is still typically in corners of rooms or behind furniture.

Problems can escalate if there is a lack of ventilation in the affected rooms. This can be apparent in older homes where the walls were made to be naturally breathable allowing moist air to evaporate from the house.

Rising Damp
Black Mould and Damp


5 + 14 =

Signs Of Damp

Condensation Damp

  • Water drops on the wall
  • Mould forming on walls
  • Mould sitting behind furniture
  • An unpleasant earthy smell

Rising Damp

Rising damp is another common problem. This can be confused with condensation. Rising damp is caused by water moving up through the walls. Normally, this doesn’t cause any issues as most houses will be protected by a damp proof course.

If left untreated rising damp will undoubtedly cause issues to the properties internal structure as well as causing potential health-related problems.

What are the signs of rising damp?


  • Damage to plasterboard and skirting boards
  • Rising tide marks up the wall
  • Floor covering starting to lift
  • Peeling paint and wallpaper

Penetrative Damp 

Penetrative damp is super common in older houses. It can affect roofs, ceilings and walls and, unlike rising damp, it can happen at any level. Penetrating damp is far more common in older properties since they are more likely to have solid walls. A new build property with cavity walls offers much more protection and, as such, is unlikely to suffer from this type of defect.

What do we look for in a Damp and Mould Survey? 

  • Main Areas of Concern
  • Obvious Areas of Damp in Property
  • Walls, Ceilings, Chimneys
  • Gutters and Drainpipes
  • Condition of Window Seals
  • Type of Damp Diagnosis


1. The old and defected damp plaster is knocked off at the height of approximately 1.2m, depending on if rising damp has not gone above this level. 

2. Damp Proofing Cream is injected into drilled holes; the cream spreads out through the capillaries to create a barrier that prevents further damp from rising.

3. Damp proof membrane is plugged into the brick, along the affected area. This will prevent any damp coming through to internal walls providing a longer lasting damp proof system.

4. Plasterboard is then dot and dab fixed onto the plastic membrane and left to harden. You can read more about plastering and what our service involves here.

5. All joints/gaps are filled to ensure the area is then ready to be skimmed with the finishing plaster, which is the final step.

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United Kingdom

Nationwide Coverage

Our qualified, accredited and 5 star rated technicians are the countries leading Cavity Wall Insulation Removal Specialists.

Based in Manchester, our friendly and expert team are available to solve your Cavity Wall Insulation, Wall Ties or Damp Problems across the country.

We offer a range of expertise, from wall tie inspections surveys to full recommendations, to ensure your home gets the service it needs to remain a safe and well mantained structural property.