Did you know that over 6 million properties across the UK have Cavity Wall Insulation installed! Older houses are more likely to have solid walls, although, if your home was built in the last 10 years, it is likely that it was done so with Cavity Wall Insulation installed. Cavity Wall Insulation has contributed to both energy efficiency and cost savings for homes across the country, which in turn has made it largely popular.

The are benefits of Cavity Wall Insulation , but that is not to say it has not also come with its fair share of problems. Being a country that is prone to a generally damp, windy, cold, and occasionally icy climate, homes across the UK have been affected by the weather, which can affect not only the efficiency of Cavity Wall Insulation, but also the damage it can cause when it becomes defected. In a nutshell Cavities Are Built For A Reason!

Retro-fitted Cavity Wall Insulation

Retro-fitted Cavity Wall Insulation is the most common type of insulation found in properties, and the debate on whether it should or should not be installed is on-going, due to the issues that are commonly associated with it. It should be noted, that the issues associated with Cavity Wall Insulation primarily come down to poor installation, poor materials, and installation into unsuitable properties, all of which can lead to serious problems.

Cavity Wall Insulation

Cavity Wall Insulation Home

What are the most common problems associated with Cavity Wall Insulation?

The most common, and damaging problem associated with Cavity Wall Insulation is related to moisture penetration across the cavity, leading to damp staining, and damage to the interior and exterior of a property. As touched on before, the weather conditions in the UK takes its toll on the brickwork and structure of a property, sometimes leading to gaps opening in the bricks, or pointing. Gaps in the brickwork make the structure vulnerable to water getting into the cavities, and once water reaches the Cavity and causes the Cavity Wall Insulation to become damp, it is virtually impossible for the moisture to dry out due to the lack of airflow. Leading to the damp Cavity Wall Insulation, causing the damp to be drawn through the cavity and to the interior of the property. You can find out more about the different types of damp and what to look for here.

Cavity Wall Insulation Fitted Incorrectly
The effectiveness of Cavity Wall Insulation is very much dependant on the way in which it is installed. When insulation is fitted poorly, such as gaps left within the cavity, there will be places where there is no insulation at all. These can cause cold bridging, referring to a colder element in the structure that allows coldness to pass through. When the purpose of Cavity Wall Insulation is to hold heat, it is a big problem if it is letting cold air pass through instead.
As well as this, if a cavity is not 100% compact, void areas can also gather moisture, which once again can lead to damp in the property.

What happens when Cavity Wall Insulation is removed?

Whether it be due to damp, or poor insulation of heat in your property, you may find that Cavity Wall Insulation removal is the best option for your home.

In which case, the Cavity Wall Insulation material will be removed as seamlessly and unobtrusively as possible.

This involves:
• Compressed air is blown into the cavity wall, using an industrial machine. This collects the damaged insulation throughout the cavity wall, causing little to no damage to the property, as the machine can be used through the removal of strategically removed individual bricks.
• A borescope will then be used to inspect the cavity wall throughout the removal process, ensuring all the damaged and defected Cavity Wall Insulation is removed entirely.
• Your technicians will bag up/remove all the defected Cavity Wall Insulation, leaving your cavity wall completely clear, preventing any further damage to your property.

Cavity Wall Extraction

Cavity Wall Extraction Machine

If you are interested in a more detailed explanation of the Cavity Wall Insulation Extraction process, check out our blog.

What can CavClear do to help?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the Northwest a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.