What’s Going On At CavClear?

Stay Up To Date On Cavity Wall Insulation Removal, Cavity Wall Ties Removal & Replacement, Damp and more!

Here, You Can See Behind The Scenes, The Process and The Final Outcome Of Jobs Completed By Our Team Of CavClear Experts and Specialists.


Cavity Wall Ties: What Is Wall Tie Isolation?

Cavity wall ties are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of your home by connecting the inner and outer walls. Although, over time these ties can deteriorate, corrode, or fail, leading to structural issues and compromising the safety of the building. When this happens, cavity wall tie isolation, alongside cavity wall tie replacement, is necessary to prevent further damage.

What is Cavity Wall Tie Isolation?

Cavity wall tie isolation involves neutralising faulty or old wall ties to prevent them from causing damage to the surrounding brickwork or allowing moisture to penetrate the walls. This process is typically part of a wall tie replacement, where new wall ties are installed to take over the structural role.

Isolation ensures that the old ties do not interfere with the new ones, maintaining the structural integrity of the wall.

Why is Cavity Wall Tie Isolation Necessary?

Cavity wall tie isolation is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps prevent structural damage, as corroded wall ties can expand and cause the surrounding brickwork to crack or bulge, compromising the stability of the wall. Secondly, it avoids moisture penetration; damaged wall ties can create pathways for moisture to enter the wall cavity, leading to damp issues and potential internal damage. Ensuring the structural integrity and moisture resistance of your walls helps maintain the value and safety of your property.

On top of all of this, modern building standards often require the replacement and isolation of old wall ties to ensure safety and compliance.

Methods of Cavity Wall Tie Isolation

Several methods can be used to isolate old wall ties, each with its advantages. Here are some of the most common and effective methods used by our CavClear experts:

Plastic Sleeve Method

The plastic sleeve method is one of the most widely used and effective techniques for isolating cavity wall ties. First, the old wall ties are located using our specialised wall tie detection equipment. Then, a small hole is drilled around the wall tie, and a plastic sleeve, slightly larger than the tie, is inserted into the drilled hole. The sleeve is then sealed in place, isolating the tie from the surrounding brickwork and preventing it from causing further damage.

The plastic sleeve method is highly effective in preventing any physical contact between the old tie and the brickwork. It is also non-invasive, requiring minimal drilling and disruption to the existing structure, and the plastic material is resistant to corrosion and moisture, ensuring long-term protection.

Isolated wall ties

Resin Injection Method

This method involves injecting a special resin around the old wall tie to encase it and in turn preventing any further corrosion or movement.

This form of isolation is flexible, making it a suitable option for various wall types and conditions. Similarly to the plastic sleeve method, resin is highly durable and resistant to environmental factors, again ensuring long-term protection.

Mechanical Isolation Method

In some cases, mechanical isolation methods such as cutting or removing the old ties and installing mechanical fixings to hold the brickwork in place can be used. This approach provides immediate and visible results and can be tailored to the specific needs of the building.

Why Choose CavClear for your Cavity Wall Tie concerns?

At CavClear, we have extensive experience in diagnosing and addressing cavity wall tie issues.

Our fully-qualified structural engineers use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that your wall ties are effectively isolated and replaced, preserving the structural integrity and safety of your property. Our services include comprehensive surveys and detailed reports with recommendations for any further action needed such as wall tie isolation and replacement.

Contact us today to schedule a survey and protect your property from the risks of corroded or damaged wall ties.

Get in touch today:

☎️ 0333 220 2463
📧 info@cavclear.co.uk
⌨️ www.cavclear.co.uk




Preventing and Managing Damp: CavClear Damp Survey

Damp problems can cause significant damage to your property if left untreated. From peeling paint to serious structural damage, the signs of damp are not always obvious until the damage is done. That’s where CavClear comes in. Our comprehensive damp survey is your one-stop solution to identifying and addressing damp issues in your home.

Knowing the signs of damp is the first step in protecting your home. These are the key signs of damp to look out for:

  • Peeling or bubbling paint: This often signifies that moisture is trapped beneath the surface.
  • Mould growth: Black spots on walls, ceilings, or in corners indicate excess moisture.
  • Musty smells: Persistent musty smells suggest hidden damp areas.
  • Discolouration: Brown or dark patches on walls or ceilings are another sign±
  • Cold or damp walls: Walls that feel cold or wet to the touch may indicate rising damp or condensation issues.

When is it time to book a Damp Survey?

Booking a damp survey is essential if you notice any of the signs mentioned above or if you’re purchasing a new property. Other times to consider a damp survey include:

  • After heavy rainfall: Persistent damp patches can emerge after periods of significant rain.
  • Before renovation: Identifying and fixing damp issues before you start renovations can save you money and headaches.
  • Maintenance: Regular surveys can catch potential issues early, preventing major repairs later.

What does a CavClear Damp Survey include?

A CavClear damp survey provides a thorough assessment of your property, including:

  • Moisture Level Readings: Using specialist equipment, our surveyors measure moisture levels in your walls, floors, and timbers to pinpoint areas of concern.
  • Visual Inspection: Our trained surveyors conduct a detailed visual inspection, looking for visible signs of damp such as peeling paint, mould, and discoloration.
  • Identification of the Source: We investigate to find the root cause of the damp, whether it’s leaks, condensation, or rising damp.
  • Recommendations for Repair: After completing the survey, we provide a detailed report outlining the most effective solutions to address the damp issues and prevent future problems.

The Importance of a Damp Survey

Conducting a damp survey is crucial for several reasons:

  • Prevent Structural Damage: Untreated damp can lead to serious structural issues that can be costly to repair.
  • Health Benefits: Damp environments can foster mould growth, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. Damp mould can be deadly and should never be ignored!
  • Informed Decisions: Knowing the extent and cause of the damp helps you make informed decisions about necessary repairs.
  • Cost Savings: Early detection and treatment of damp can prevent more expensive repairs down the line.

Book Your Damp Survey with CavClear Today!

Don’t let damp take control of your home. Contact CavClear today to book a professional damp survey and ensure the health and safety of your property. Our team of experts is ready to help you identify and address any damp issues promptly and effectively.

Wall Tie Surveys: Why They Matter and What to Expect

Wall ties are a crucial yet often overlooked part of a building’s structural integrity. Wall ties may be small, but they play a vital role in connecting the inner and outer leaves of cavity walls, ensuring stability and strength.

Over time, wall ties can corrode, leading to potential structural issues that, if left unaddressed, can be costly and damaging to your home. If you’re concerned about the condition of your wall ties or have received a failed home buyer’s report, it’s essential to schedule a professional Wall Tie Survey.

What is a Wall Tie Survey?

A Wall Tie Survey is an inspection process conducted by our team of expert engineers to assess the condition of the wall ties within a building’s cavity walls. At CavClear, our engineers use advanced equipment and follow industry standards to provide a thorough evaluation of your wall ties. Here’s what you can expect during a typical survey:

The Survey Process

  1. External Inspection
    Our expert begins with an external inspection of your brickwork and overall wall condition. This initial step helps identify any visible signs of wall tie failure, such as step cracking or bulging walls.

  2. Locating Wall Ties
    Using specialist equipment, our engineers locate the exact positions of the wall ties within the cavity wall. Accurate location is critical for a thorough inspection.

  3. Borescope Camera Inspection
    To inspect the wall ties, our engineer drills a small hole into the mortar joint and inserts a borescope camera. This allows for a close-up view of the wall ties without causing significant damage to the brickwork.

  4. Evaluation
    The condition of the wall ties is evaluated following strict industry guidelines. This includes checking for signs of corrosion, the integrity of the ties, and their effectiveness in maintaining wall stability.

  5. Detailed Report
    After the inspection, we provide a comprehensive report detailing our findings and recommendations. This report includes photographs and explanations of any issues detected, as well as the option to move forward with remedial works (wall tie replacement) if necessary.

When to Schedule a Wall Tie Survey

After a Failed Home Buyer’s Report: If your home buyer’s report highlights concerns about wall ties, it’s crucial to arrange a professional survey to assess the extent of the issue.

Visible Signs of Wall Tie Failure: Look out for horizontal cracks, bulging walls, or gaps around windows and doors—these can all indicate wall tie problems.

Older Properties: Buildings constructed before the 1980s are more likely to have wall ties made from materials prone to corrosion.

Why Choose CavClear?

At CavClear, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality wall tie surveys carried out by fully-qualified structural engineers. Our expertise and use of cutting-edge technology ensure that you receive accurate and reliable assessments of your wall ties.

Addressing wall tie issues promptly can prevent more severe structural problems down the line. By scheduling a Wall Tie Survey with CavClear, you’re taking proactive steps to ensure the safety and longevity of your property.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—if you suspect issues with your wall ties, schedule a Wall Tie Survey with CavClear today. Our expert engineers will provide you with a detailed assessment and peace of mind, knowing that your property is in safe hands.

Contact us to book your survey on 0333 220 2463!


Everything you need to know: Cavity Wall Insulation

Why Cavity Wall Insulation Removal Is Necessary


Cavity wall insulation is often an afterthought until it begins to cause problems in your home. Improper or deteriorating insulation can lead to damp issues, structural damage, and health concerns.

At CavClear, we are experts in removing problematic insulation, ensuring your home is safe, dry, and comfortable.

What’s Involved in the Removal Process?

Our cavity wall insulation removal process is meticulous and thorough, designed to address all insulation issues effectively. Here’s how we do it:

Step 1: Comprehensive Survey

We start with a detailed survey and report, identifying problem areas and assessing the extent of removal needed. This crucial step allows us to gather essential details to tailor the removal process to your specific needs.

Step 2: Machinery

Our skilled technicians strategically position the removal machinery. We drill air holes throughout the cavity wall to facilitate the evacuation of excess air, and remove bricks to place the vacuum. This setup ensures efficient extraction of insulation materials.

Step 3: Specialised Insulation Removal

Using state-of-the-art insulation removal systems, we extract and collect insulation until the cavity is completely clear. Our specialised machinery guarantees a thorough and efficient removal process, leaving no trace of the problematic insulation.


Step 4: Post-Removal Inspection

After removing the insulation, our technicians conduct a detailed inspection to ensure that the cavity is expert from any remaining materials and potential issues. This step confirms the success of the removal process and identifies any further actions needed.


Step 5: Completion

 We believe in leaving your home in pristine condition. Our technicians conceal, cover, and fill any holes created during the removal process. We seamlessly replace removed brickwork, restoring your home to its original state, but with a clear cavity and no lingering issues.


Why You Might Need Cavity Wall Insulation Removal

Damp Issues: Poorly installed or deteriorating insulation can trap moisture, leading to damp walls, which can cause structural damage and health problems.

Health Concerns: Damp and mould caused by ineffective insulation can contribute to respiratory issues and other health problems.

Energy Efficiency: Removing ineffective insulation can improve your home’s energy efficiency by allowing for better moisture control and more effective heating.

Property Value: Ensuring your home is expert from damp and structural issues can maintain or even increase its market value.


Trust CavClear for Expert Insulation Removal

At CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide, cost-effective, and friendly solution to cavity wall insulation removal. Our fully approved and accredited team ensures an easy, effective, and high standard of service.

If you suspect your cavity wall insulation is ineffective or causing damp issues, reach out to us for an expert, no-obligation removal quote. Contact us at 0333 220 2463 or through our website to connect with our friendly team. Let us help you create a healthier, more comfortable living environment by removing problematic cavity wall insulation.




The Importance of Wall Tie Replacement and Isolation

Replacing wall ties is an essential step in maintaining the stability of your property. Although, this doesn’t mean the defected wall ties that are in already place are always removed, sometimes they are isolated instead! 

Why do we recommend Wall Tie replacement?

During our thorough Wall Tie Survey, we carefully assess the condition of your existing wall ties to determine if they are still effective or if they pose a risk to the stability of your property. In many cases, deteriorated wall ties can compromise the structure of a building.

Once we have completed the survey, we provide a detailed report with recommendations. When wall tie replacement is necessary, we offer two options: removal or isolation of the old wall ties.

We often find old and rusty wall ties like this:


So, what exactly is Cavity Wall Tie isolation?

Cavity Wall Tie isolation involves separating the old and rusty cavity wall ties from the outer brickwork leaf to prevent further contact and damage to the cavity wall. This important step ensures that the new remedial wall ties can perform their function without interference from deteriorating old ties.

Isolating wall ties is crucial for preventing further deterioration and potential structural issues. If left unchecked, corroded wall ties can cause brickwork to separate, leading to damage and even the risk of collapse. In severe cases identified during our survey, we may recommend complete removal of the old ties instead of isolation.

Take a look at this now isolated wall tie:

Wall Ties

What Next?

If you suspect that your cavity wall ties need replaced, get in touch today for morw information or a no-obligation quote.

Protect the structural integrity of your property with CavClear.

Reach out to our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contacting us through our website.




Damp and Mould Surveys & What You Should Know!


Damp and Mould, when left untreated, can be as dangerous as it is frustrating! Whether it be the danger it imposes on your home, or even on your health, it’s definitely not something worth ignoring. That’s why at CavClear, we offer an extensive damp and mould survey, to identify and address these issues before they become a problem. 

What do we look at in a Damp and Mould Survey?

During our damp and mould survey, our team inspects various areas of your property to identify potential sources of damp and mould. We pay particular attention to:

  1. The Main Area of Concern: First things first, we check the reason you called us. You may have spotted a damp patch or an area of mould, this is where we start!
  2. Walls, Ceilings, and Chimneys: We check these areas all over the property, for any visible signs of damp, such as water stains, peeling paint, or mould.
  3. Gutters and Drainpipes: We check the condition of your gutters and drainpipes, making they are effectively diverting water away from your property.
  4. Window Seals: We check the integrity of your window seals to determine if any gaps or damage could be contributing to moisture ingress. We also check for mould and damp around these areas, as it can be common!

Type of Damp Diagnosis:
Based on the outcome of your damp survey, we identify the type/types of damp within your property, allowing us to make a detailed recommendation on how to solve your damp and mould problems. These types of damp include…

  1. Rising Damp: Moisture is seeping up through the walls from the ground below.
  2. Penetrating Damp: Water is entering the property through gaps or cracks in the external structure.
  3. Condensation: Excess moisture in the air condenses on cold surfaces, leading to dampness and mould growth.

Why You Need a Damp and Mould Survey: A damp and mould survey is essential for several reasons:

Early Detection means you can identify damp and mould issues early and better yet, address them quickly to prevent further damage to your property

Health Concerns caused by Damp and mould should be addressed quickly, as it can exacerbate respiratory problems and allergies, posing a risk to you and your family’s health.

The Structural Integrity of your home can be at risk. If left untreated, damp can compromise the structural integrity of your property, leading to costly repairs down the line.

Our Damp-Proofing Services:

Should our survey identify damp or mould issues, we offer comprehensive damp-proofing services to address the root cause. Don’t let damp and mould go untreated, get in touch today for a survey and quote. 



Cavity Wall Ties, HeliBars and Structural Integrity

The team undertook a cavity wall ties and helibars installation job, so let’s get into why these are important, and what CavClear can do to help your home.

Our recent survey showed the signs of failing cavity wall ties, leading to recommendations for heli bars and wall tie replacement.

Understanding Cavity Wall Ties

Cavity Wall Ties serve as essential components in the structural integrity of buildings. These metal rods or strips connect the inner and outer leaves of a cavity wall, reinforcing stability and support.Wall ties are essential metal components crucial to the structural integrity of your home.

Wall Ties

Identifying Cavity Wall Tie Failure

This deterioration can be attributed to various factors, with prolonged corrosion being the most common culprit. Made of metal or metal alloys, cavity wall ties are susceptible to rusting and corrosion when exposed to water or dampness within the cavity. While rusting is a natural process for metal, environmental factors such as flooding, heavy rainfall, or leaks can accelerate this process.

Failure of cavity wall ties manifests as compromised structural stability, often evidenced by staggered cracking along the walls. This deterioration can escalate to wall collapse if left unaddressed. Recognising these warning signs is crucial for timely intervention and maintenance.

What’s a HeliBar?

HeliBarsare a type of retrofit masonry reinforcement used to stabilise and strengthen structures. They are often used in situations where traditional methods of reinforcement, such as cavity wall ties, are insufficient or impractical.

HeliBars work by distributing forces across the structure, reinforcing it against cracking, bowing, or other forms of structural failure. The helical design of the bars allows them to bond securely, providing effective reinforcement without significantly altering the appearance of the structure.

In the case of the job completed by our team, they’ve been used promote the stability of a recent extension that has been built, that is coming away from the main building.


Can CavClear help?

Don’t wait until structural issues escalate. If you suspect cavity wall tie failure in your property, reach out to us for a professional assessment and a no-obligation quote. Contact our friendly team at 0333 220 2463 or visit our website to learn more.

Choose CavClear for expert solutions and safeguard your property’s structural integrity. At CavClear, we specialise in providing nationwide, cost-effective solutions for cavity wall tie inspections and replacements. Our experienced team conducts thorough surveys, offering detailed reports and recommendations. As proud members of the Wall Tie Federation, we ensure quality and reliability in every project.


Cavity Wall Insulation in Steel and Timber Framed Properties

In recent years, the issue of cavity wall insulation in steel and timber-framed houses has emerged as a significant concern for structural stability and damp issues. While the intention behind insulating these properties may have been to improve energy efficiency, the consequences can be severe and often overlooked.

Let’s delve into why cavity wall insulation should not be used in such structures and explore alternative solutions for effective insulation.

The Need for Air Circulation

Timber and steel frames need air circulation to prevent rot or corrosion. Just as we employ air bricks in suspended timber floors to maintain timber health, the same applies within the cavities of steel and timber-framed houses. However, fully insulating these cavities with retro blown cavity wall insulation opens the door to structural damage. This insulation method increases the likelihood of condensation forming and becoming trapped against the frame. For timber framing, this can lead to wood rot, while steel frames are susceptible to corrosion.


The Urgency of Cavity Wall Insulation Extraction

If your timber or steel-framed property has been insulated with cavity wall insulation, it’s essential to have it removed promptly. If you don’t address this issue, it can quickly result in serious structural damage and pose health risks due to restricted air circulation. With thousands of homeowners across the UK requiring remedial work, including full extraction of cavity wall insulation, it’s crucial to take action to protect your property and its value.

Do you need Cavity Wall Insulation Extraction?

Our team specialises in providing expert advice in addressing issues related to cavity wall insulation, as well as offering a 5 star extraction service. Whether you’re concerned about structural issues, energy efficiency, or property valuation, we offer a full remedial service to protect the integrity of your home.

Take the First Step

Don’t let cavity wall insulation compromise the integrity of your steel or timber-framed property. Contact us today for a expert, no-obligation quote and book your Cavity Wall Insulation survey today!

Contact us on 0333 220 2463.


Exploring the Importance of Damp Proof Course: A Comprehensive Guide


This week, our team successfully completed another Damp Proof Course (DPC), highlighting the significance of this essential solution in battling rising dampness.

Join us as we delve into the fundamentals of Damp Proof Course and its crucial role in safeguarding your property against moisture and what it can become…

Understanding Damp Proof Course:

A Damp Proof Course acts as a protective barrier, preventing damp from rising up the walls and causing damage to your property. Without a proper DPC in place, or if the existing one becomes compromised over time, excess moisture from the ground can seep into your property, leading to various damaging and costly issues.

What does a Damp Proof Course entail?

The Damp Proof Membrane, as depicted in the image, serves as the protective layer against further rising damp. This final stage of the Damp Proof Course is complemented with plastering to seamlessly conceal it, ensuring both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Benefits of Damp Proof Course

Elimination of Damp Odours and Mould
By effectively preventing moisture intrusion, a Damp Proof Course helps avoid unpleasant smells caused by dampness and mold growth.

Enhanced Property Appearance
Implementing damp-proofing measures not only protects your property from water damage but also improves its overall appearance.

Preservation of Property Value
Damp and mold issues can significantly decrease the value of your property, making it challenging to sell and expensive to fix. A Damp Proof Course helps maintain the value of your property

Prevention of Structural Damage
Dampness can lead to structural damage and rotting if left untreated. Installing a DPC safeguards your property from such risks.

Do you need a Damp Proof Course?

If you notice any signs of dampness in your home, such as unpleasant smells, mould growth, or structural damage, it may be time to consider damp proofing to prevent further moisture intrusion. Our team is fully approved and accredited to provide you with a seamless, effective, and high standard of service.

Concerned about dampness in your home? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for an expert, no-obligation quote. Let’s address the issue before it escalates. Contact our friendly team today at 0333 220 2463 or through our website.

Don’t let dampness compromise the integrity and value of your property. Invest in a Damp Proof Course and ensure a healthier, more resilient living environment for you and your family.


Addressing Dampness and Defective Cavity Wall Insulation

This week, our team discovered damp defected cavity wall insulation (CWI), that was causing further damp issues in the home. Take a look…

Damp Insulation

When C.W.I becomes damp like this, your home will begin to show the signs. Spotting these signs early will prevent irreversible damage occurring to your property, that could end up costing you in the long term. So, let’s get into the most common and easy-to-spot symptoms to look out for, and if you notice them, it might be time to give us a ring.

Recognising the Signs:

When cavity wall insulation becomes damp, your home will start showing visible signs. Detecting these signs early can prevent irreversible damage and potential long-term costs. Here are some common symptoms to watch out for:

1. Cold or Damp Walls:

Certain areas of your home may feel unusually cool to the touch, almost damp. This could indicate defective cavity wall insulation, often caused by clumps or incorrect installation. A specialist can use a borescope to accurately identify the issue.

2. Brown or Peeling Plaster:

Brown or peeling paint and plaster are clear indications that moisture is seeping through the cavity wall insulation, potentially leading to structural issues if left untreated. Act promptly upon noticing this sign.

3. Damp Walls:

Damp walls can manifest in various ways, including bubbling wallpaper, damp patches, or a musty smell. These symptoms signal that moisture is penetrating from the exterior wall to the interior, often exacerbated by severe weather conditions.

The Threat of Mould:

One of the most concerning consequences of damp and defective cavity wall insulation is mould growth. Mould, a fungus that thrives in damp environments, can spread throughout your property and pose health risks to occupants. Prompt action is essential upon spotting mould in your home.

How Can We Help?

If you’re concerned about the effectiveness of your cavity wall insulation or its impact on dampness in your home, don’t hesitate to contact us for an expert, no-obligation removal quote. Don’t let the issue escalate – reach out to our friendly team today at 0333 220 2463 or through our website.

Don’t let damp and defective insulation compromise your home’s safety and comfort. Take proactive steps to address the issue now and ensure a healthier living environment for you and your family. 

Revealing the Risks: Why You Could Need Cavity Wall Insulation Removal


Doing what we do best: the extraction of cavity wall insulation (CWI) from a property.

Behind the Scenes:

Cavity Wall Insulation

Our team uses our specialised machinery to clear out the inner cavity walls, ensuring thorough removal of the insulation. The large white container bag in the image above, is filled completely with CWI… that’s how much is inside the cavity walls!

This process, designed to be minimally invasive, aims to leave your home with no trace left behind. With our efficient methods, the removal typically takes just 1-2 days.

By using CavClear’s specialised machinery, we can guarantee a completely cleared out cavity, meaning the troubles that come with defected CWI are no more! How clear do we mean?

What Goes Wrong with Cavity Wall Insulation?

The most common and damaging problem associated with cavity wall insulation is related to moisture penetration across the cavity, leading to damp staining and damage to the interior and exterior of a property. This moisture infiltration is typically caused by weather conditions, where gaps in the brickwork make the structure vulnerable to water seeping into the cavities. As water reaches the cavity, the insulation becomes damp, leading to its ineffectiveness. This dampness is then drawn through the cavity and into the interior of the property, causing further issues.

Another reason cavity wall insulation fails is incorrect installation. Poorly fitted insulation, such as leaving gaps within the cavity, can result in areas where there is no insulation at all. This can lead to cold bridging, where colder elements in the structure allow cold air to pass through, counteracting the insulation’s purpose of retaining heat.

Additionally, if a cavity is not 100% compact, void areas can gather moisture, further contributing to dampness within the property.

How CavClear can help you?

If you suspect that your cavity wall insulation is no longer effective or is contributing to dampness in your home, don’t hesitate to contact us for an expert removal quote. Taking proactive steps to address this issue can safeguard your home’s structural integrity and ensure a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Reach out to our friendly team today at 0333 220 2463 or visit our website to learn more.

Battling Rising Damp: The Importance of Damp Proofing

This week, our team completed a damp proof course after our initial damp survey uncovered the presence of rising damp within a property. Rising damp, if left unchecked, can escalate into a damaging and costly issue, posing potential hazards to both property and occupants. In response to our findings, we recommended a comprehensive damp proof course to eradicate existing damp and prevent future occurrences.

Understanding Damp Proofing:
Damp proofing is essential for safeguarding structures against moisture infiltration. Let’s delve into the steps involved in a damp proof course to mitigate rising damp effectively.

Step 1: Identification of Rising Damp:
The first step involves identifying rising damp on internal walls, indicating the upward movement of moisture from the ground. This serves as a clear indicator of rising damp originating from beneath the property.

Step 2: Injection of Damp Proofing Cream:
Holes are strategically drilled along the lowest accessible mortar line, approximately 110mm apart. Damp proofing cream, also known as DPC Cream, is then injected into these holes. This cream spreads through capillaries within the masonry, forming a barrier that prevents further moisture ascent.

Step 3: Application of Damp Proof Membrane:
Following injection and cleanup, a damp proof membrane is installed along the affected area, providing secondary protection against damp ingress into internal walls. This additional measure ensures a more durable damp proof system.

Step 4: Installation of Plasterboard:
Once the membrane is in place, plasterboard is dot and dab fixed over it. This process reinforces the structural integrity of the affected area.

 Step 5: Skimming (Plastering) for Finishing:
After the plasterboard has hardened and all gaps have been filled, skimming or plastering is carried out to achieve a smooth, finished surface.

With the completion of the damp proof course, the property is effectively safeguarded against the detrimental effects of rising damp. Timely intervention and professional damp proofing are crucial in preserving the structural integrity and habitability of any property.

If you’ve noticed signs of damp in your home, don’t wait for the issue to escalate. Our team at CavClear is fully approved and accredited to provide you with expert damp proofing services. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote and ensure your home remains a safe and moisture-expert environment.

Contact Us

Don’t let rising damp compromise your property’s integrity. Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or visit our website to learn more about our damp proofing solutions.


Understanding Cavity Wall Tie Failure: Signs, Causes, and Solutions

Discovering severe step-cracking in a wall tie survey is a telltale sign of failing cavity wall ties. At CavClear, our team specialises in identifying and addressing issues related to failing wall ties, ensuring the safety and stability of your property.

Identifying Failing Wall Ties:

During our comprehensive wall tie surveys, our experts inspect for signs and symptoms of failing wall ties. Step-cracking is often a key indicator, prompting us to delve deeper into the condition of the wall ties.

Insufficient Wall Ties and Cavity Wall Insulation:

In a recent case, our team was called in when step-cracking was identified. With no evidence of recently installed retro-fitted wall ties, it points to an insufficient amount of existing wall ties, exacerbating the issue. Additionally, evidence of cavity-wall insulation was found, accelerating the rusting process and contributing to failing wall ties.

Understanding Cavity Wall Ties:

Cavity Wall Ties play a vital role in the structure of your home, connecting the inner and outer layers of a cavity wall. They provide crucial support and stability, making them indispensable components of your property’s integrity.

Causes of Cavity Wall Tie Failure:

The most common cause of cavity wall tie failure is prolonged corrosion due to exposure to moisture. Made of metal or metal alloys, cavity wall ties are susceptible to rusting, especially when water or damp infiltrates the cavity through the walls. Weather factors such as flooding or heavy rain can accelerate this corrosion process.

Our Solution:

At CavClear, we offer a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to cavity wall tie inspections and replacement. Our team of experts provides thorough reports and recommendations, ensuring that your property remains structurally sound. As full members of the Wall Tie Federation, you can trust our expertise and commitment to quality service.

If you suspect that your cavity wall ties are failing, don’t hesitate to reach out to CavClear for an expert evaluation and no-obligation quote. Protect your property and ensure its long-term stability with our specialized services.

Ready to address your cavity wall tie concerns? Contact our friendly team at 0333 220 2463 or visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today.


This week, our team successfully completed a Cavity Wall Insulation removal job. While insulation might not have been at the forefront of your thoughts until it began causing issues, understanding its impact becomes crucial once you witness its presence within your home. adelve into the intricacies of Cavity Wall Insulation Removal and why it matters in this week’s blog!

What’s involved in the removal process?

Step 1: Comprehensive Survey
We begin with a thorough survey and report, laying the foundation for the removal process. This crucial step enables us to pinpoint insulation problem areas, determine the extent of removal required, and gather essential details.

Step 2: Machinery
Our skilled technicians strategically position the removal machinery. Air holes are delicately drilled throughout the cavity wall to facilitate the evacuation of excess air, and bricks are removed to place the vacuum.

Step 3: Specialised Insulation Removal
Utilising state-of-the-art insulation removal systems, we extract and collect insulation until the cavity is completely clear. Our specialised machinery ensures a thorough and efficient removal process.

Step 4: Post-Removal Inspection
With the cavity now expert of insulation, our technicians conduct a detailed inspection.

Step 5: Property Restoration
As part of our commitment to leaving your home in pristine condition, our technicians conceal, cover, and fill any holes created during the removal process. We seamlessly replace removed brickwork, restoring your home to its original state, but with a clear cavity and no lingering issues.

Do you have issues with your Cavity Wall Insulation?

At CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide, cost-effective, and friendly solution to Cavity Wall Insulation removal. Our fully approved and accredited team ensures an easy, effective, and high standard of service.

If you suspect your Cavity Wall Insulation is ineffective or causing damp issues, reach out to us for an expert, no-obligation removal quote.

Contact us at 0333 220 2463 or through our website to connect with our friendly team. Let us help you create a healthier, more comfortable living environment by removing problematic cavity wall insulation.





Discovering black mold in your home is not just about aesthetics; it’s a red flag for potential health risks and structural damage. Our team recently unearthed a prime example of this silent threat, emphasizing the critical need for addressing damp issues promptly.

The Effect of Untreated Damp:

Dampness alone is problematic, creating an ideal environment for mould growth. Some growths of mould may be visible, while others can go unnoticed within your walls, and yet both can have a detrimental effect! The consequences extend beyond property damage, and can heavily impact your health in subtle yet significant ways.

Health Implications of Damp and Mould:

Left untreated, damp can contribute to an array of health issues or exacerbate existing conditions. These may include:

  • Fungal Infections
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma (Worsening of Asthma)
  • Sinusitis
  • Infections
  • Eczema/Irritated Skin
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing

If damp and mould go unaddressed, the situation can escalate, leading to the growth of black mould. This variety is particularly dangerous due to mycotoxins, which can cause severe health problems, some even life-threatening.

Taking Action:

Addressing damp issues promptly is not just about preserving the integrity of your property; it’s a crucial step in safeguarding your health. Our recent discovery serves as a visual reminder of the importance of proactive intervention.

Don’t let your property and well-being fall victim to the hidden dangers of black mould.

Have You Got Damp?

Schedule a damp survey with our expert team today and take the first step toward a healthier home.

Our damp specialists took the necessary action to prevent further damp and in turn, the growth of black mould. Check out this transformation:

Can we help you?

If you find your home is presenting any of these signs of damp, you may find you need damp proofing to prevent moisture intrusion. 

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned about  damp in your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


A job this week demonstrates what can happen when your Cavity Wall Ties become faulty! This job showed off the most common sign: Step-Cracking!

What are Wall Ties?

Cavity Wall Ties are simple metal rods or strips that are key to the structure of your home. Holding together the inner and outer leaf of a cavity wall, cavity wall ties connect through the space within the cavity and help to maintain the safety and structure of the property by providing extra and necessary support.

What happens when they become defected?

When the cavity wall ties that are holding the two layers of the wall together fail. this compromises the stability of the entire structure.

Cavity Wall Tie failure can be caused by a number of things, but the most typical being prolonged corrosion to the wall ties themselves. As they are made of metal or metal alloys, they are susceptible to corrosion and rusting if water or damp gets into the cavity through the walls. Cavity Wall Tie corrosion is not uncommon, as like any metal, rusting and corrosion is a natural process. Although, weather factors such as flooding, heavy rain or leaks can cause the process to occur faster.

What to do if your wall ties fail?

If you think your wall ties are failing because you’ve spotted the signs, get in touch! We offer a Wall Tie survey that provides a full report with recommendations on the next best steps for your home.

Our team of Wall Tie experts off full wall tie removal and replacement as a service, and this is the secret to preventing the signs from worsening and any further damage to your property.

Can we help you?

If you think your Cavity Wall Ties are failing, CavClear can help!

We specialise in Cavity Wall Tie surveys, removal, and replacement. Our team of Cavity Wall Tie specialists can provide a full assessment with recommendations related to your property. Our cost-effective and speedy team can ensure the safety and stability of your home is well maintained.

Prevent long term damage to your home and get in touch now by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


Cavity Wall Insulation extraction carried out by the CavClear team!


During our initial inspection, our team it was discovered that the insulation within this property had become defected. This led our team to recommend a full extraction, preventing any further damage to the property and removing the risk of any more damp.

As can be seen in the final image below, the cavity wall was completely cleared out:

How to know your cavity wall insulation may be defected?


Cold or Damp Walls

You may find that certain areas of your home feel quite cool, or if you brush part a wall it feels so cold it almost feels damp… this could be a sign of defected Cavity Wall Insulation.

Brown or Peeling Plaster

Somewhat the second stage of the sign above, brown, or peeling paint and plaster is a tell-tale sign that the interior of your walls is being exposed to damp and moisture, likely seeping through the Cavity Wall Insulation.


A result of damp and a serious point of concern is mould. Heavily related and caused by Cavity Wall Insulation, mould is a fungus that develops because of damp and moisture. Mould can present itself all over your property and is a sign that the damp has been lingering in your home for a while.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation, Damp and other related issues and concerns.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


Another Damp Proof Course completed by the team this week. Let’s dive into what exactly a Damp Proof Course is and when it would be a suitable solution to damp! Have you got issues with damp? If so, keep reading…

What is a Damp Proof Course?


To keep it simple, a Damp Proof Course prevents damp from the ground rising up the walls and damaging your property. In cases where this is no damp protection layer or even if the damp proof course in place has become damaged over time, excess moisture rising from the ground can rise into your property and lead to a number of issues that become damaging and expensive.

The DPC acts as a protective layer between your property and the external ground, a damp proof course is something you won’t regret and will save you from dealing with the expensive and damaging consequences of damp that is left untreated.

What does it look like?

The left of this image shows the Damp Proof Membrane that has been fitted, and acts as the protective layer to prevent further rising damp. This is the final stage of a Damp Proof Course and is completed with plastering to conceal it.

What are the advantages?


1. Avoid and remove unpleasant smells caused by damp and mould

2. Improve the appearance of your home with damp-proofing measures that will prevent water damage

3.  Avoid decreasing the value of your property with damp and mould issues that make it difficult to sell and expensive to fix

4.  Prevent structural damage to your property that can be caused by damp and rotting

If you’ve got rising damp in your home, this is efficient and 100% effective option for you.


Can we help you?

If you find your home is presenting any of these signs of damp, you may find you need damp proofing to prevent moisture intrusion. 

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned about  damp in your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Another Cavity Wall Insulation extraction completed by the team, documented from start to finish so you can see the different steps involved in making sure your cavity is insulation expert, and any further damp or damage prevented!

Firstly, why would Cavity Wall Insulation need to be removed? 

Damp Walls: You may find that certain areas of your home feel quite cool or even damp, a tell tale sign of failing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Peeling plaster: Brown, or peeling paint and plaster is a tell-tale sign that the interior of your walls is being exposed to damp and moisture, likely seeping through the Cavity Wall Insulation.

Mould: heavily related and caused by Cavity Wall Insulation, mould is a fungus that develops because of damp and moisture. Mould can present itself all over your property and is a sign that the damp has been lingering in your home for a while.The Process

Step 1
To understand the scope of works, we carry out a full survey to provide a full report and recommendation. Not only does this tell us where the insuation is and what bneeds to be removed, but it also means we can give you a full report to make the right decision for your property.

Step 2
Once our technicians have identified where the Cavity Wall Insulation is and where it needs to be extracted from, we place our specialised machinery by removing a small number of bricks across the wall, we also drill small air holes  throughout the cavity wall to allow excess air to blow out.

Step 3
Then, a specialised insulation removal system is used to extract and collect the insulation within the cavity until it is 100% clear, this works like a powerful vacuum that sucks all the insulation out from the inner cavity.


Step 4
After the Cavity Wall Insulation is thoroughly cleaned out, the removed bricks are secured back in place and our technicians conceal/cover and fill any holes made within the property.

Step 5
As the job comes to a close, we ensure the property and any mess created from the job is thoroughly cleaned out. We collected the defected insulation in a bag like you see below, to be disposed of by our team! The amount of cavity wall insulation varies from home to home, although it is often a more substantial amount than you would think, filling multiple large bags! 

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation. Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!
Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Damp Proof Course completed by the team in this weeks job, finished off with plastering!

Let’s talk about the process…

A damp proof course is preventative measure, or sometimes secondary solution to preventing damp in a property.

It is a barrier that protects against damp rising up the walls of the building. When damp is discovered within a home,we recommend a damp proof course to prevent recurrent damp. In cases where damp may be a risk, it would be a  preventative measure, as once damp sets in, it can become a costly issue to fix.

What’s involved in a Damp Proof Course?

Step 1: Identify the damp or mould within the property, and remove the old and defected plaster in line with the height of rising damp

Step 2: 10mm holes are drilled, and filled with Damp Proofing Cream, to spread through the capillaries and create a barrier for recurring damp.

Step 3: The damp proof membrane is then plugged into the brick, along to the clean affected area, as a secondary measure to prevent damp occurring in the inner walls. This allows for a longer damp proofing system that will protect your home.

Step 4: Plasterboard is then fixed onto the plastic membrane, with all joints and gaps filled, ready for the finishing plaster.

Have you got damp?

If you’ve found damp in your home, now is the time to get in touch. Damp doesn’t go away on its own, and when left, it can quickly become damaging to your home and also you! 

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation, Damp and other related issues and concerns.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


Take a look behind the scenes at our most recent Cavity Wall Insulation extraction job!


Our specialised machinary has been used to remove the insulation. The process and machines used are minimally invasive, leaving no mess behind and typically taking only 1-2 days to complete, depending on the size of the property.

Why remove CWI?

Damp Walls: You may find that certain areas of your home feel quite cool or even damp, a tell tale sign of failing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Mould: heavily related and caused by Cavity Wall Insulation, mould is a fungus that develops because of damp and moisture. Mould can present itself all over your property and is a sign that the damp has been lingering in your home for a while.

Poor Insulation: If you notice your home is not insulating heat as successfully as it once has, this may be because your Cavity Wall Insulation has become defected.

How successful are we at removing Cavity Wall Insulation? Well, check out this result of this job, and a completely cleared cavity wall:

How can we help?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the UK a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Get in touch with our team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Wall Tie Replacement is a process in itself, but what happens to the old and rusty wall ties that need to be replaced?

When carrying out our Wall Tie Survey, that allows us to determine if your wall ties are working effectively or if they’re faulty and need to be replaced, we identify the defects with the existing wall ties. This means we identify if they are still doing their job or if they are a hazard to the stability of the property, which is often the case when they become old and rusty.

Once our wall tie survey is complete, we provide a full report and recommendation, which in cases such as below, involves wall ti replacement. While we are fitting the new wall ties, we can either proceed with old wall tie removal, or otherwise, isolation.

What is Cavity Wall Tie isolation?

Once the new remedial walls ties have been installed, the isolation of the old and rusty cavity wall ties are isolated from the outer brickwork leaf, to prevent contact and further damage to the cavity wall.

You can see what this looks like in the image below, where an corroded wall tie has been isolated in preparation for being replaced.


Why Isolate Wall Ties?

If the cavity wall ties continue to corrode and rust, as we would expect them too over time or due to weather, they can force the brickwork further apart, causing more damage and posing risk the walls collapsing, in the most severe cases. If the wall ties get to this stage during our survey and report, we may recommend it is necessary to remove them altogether, instead of isolating.

We offer full reports, to provide you with a full understanding on our teams initial recommendations to ensure the best outcome for your home.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to cavity wall tie inspections and replacement. Our team provide full reports and recommendations , and we are full members of the wall tie federation.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Ties are failing, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Severe step-cracking discovered in a wall tie survey only means one thing, failing cavity wall ties!

During our initial wall tie survey, the team inspect the property for the signs and symptoms of failing wall ties. This means we can quickly identify if wall ties are failing, and sometimes even where!

When stepped or staggered cracking is found, it is a quick-tell sign that the wall ties aren’t doing their job effectively, which takes us to the next step of finding where the wall ties are placed in preparation for removal and replacement.

What are Cavity Wall Ties?

Cavity Wall Ties are simple metal rods or strips that are key to the structure of your home. Holding together the inner and outer leaf of a cavity wall, cavity wall ties connect through the space within the cavity and help to maintain the safety and structure of the property by providing extra and necessary support.

Let’s just say, they are important!

What is Cavity Wall Tie Failure?

Cavity Wall Tie failure is essentially when the cavity wall ties, that are holding the two layers of the wall (outer and inner leaf) together, collapse and fail. This compromises the stability of the entire structure.

So, what causes it?

The most common cause of Cavity Wall Tie failure is prolonged corrosion to the wall ties themselves. Cavity Wall Ties are typically made of metal or metal alloys, which means they are susceptible to corrosion and rusting if water or damp gets into the cavity through the walls. Cavity Wall Tie corrosion is not uncommon, as like any metal, rusting and corrosion is a natural process. Although, weather factors such as flooding, heavy rain or leaks can cause the process to occur faster.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to cavity wall tie inspections and replacement. Our team provide full reports and recommendations and we are full members of the wall tie federation.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Ties are failing, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




A severe case of damp Cavity Wall Insulation was uncovered and removed by the team in this weeks extraction job, which took plsce in Widness.

Let’s take a look:

This is the damp C.W.I that was discovered within the Cavity. By becoming damp, it has become ineffective and faulty, and would have eventually caused severe damp damage within the property as well as mould.

Following our recommendation, a full C.W.I extraction went underway:



This involved our specialised insulation removal system, which extracted and collected the insulation within the cavity. Like a vacuum, it uses air pressure to suck out the insulation into a bag. This is a clean, seamless, and efficient solution that prevents unnecessary damage to your home.

The Cavity Wall Extraction process is a relatively seamless process when carried out by our team of CavClear professionals, it typically takes 1-2 days to complete, depending on the size of the property.


In a case like this, a full .C.W.I extraction becomes the best and onlyption if you want to prevent further damage to the property. As cavity wall insulation like this  can’t dry out, the damp will seep through the cavity into the inside of the property, which is what often leads to damp patches, mould, peeling wallpaper and much more!

How can we help?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the UK a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




A Cavity Wall Insulation removal job completed by the team this week! Insulation is something you may not have been aware of until it started to cause issues, but when you can see how much of it is in your home, it quickly becomes easy to understand how it can cause so many issues! Keep reading to find out more…

Cavity Wall Insulation Removal involves specialised machinery, specifically designed to ‘vacuum’ out the insulation fully to ensure a clear cavity and no further related problems.

What’s included

Step 1
Our technical survey and report forms the basis of the work that will be carried out, allowing us to identify where the insulation is, if it is causing problems, how much needs to be removed and much more!

Step 2
Our technicians identify where the insulation is and where the machinery needs to be placed, air holes are drilled throughout the cavity wall to allow excess air to blow out, and bricks are removed to place the vacuum.

Step 3
Then, a specialised insulation removal system is used to extract and collect the insulation within the cavity until it is 100% clear.

Step 4
After the Cavity Wall Insulation is thoroughly cleaned out, the technicians checked whether any other necessary services that may be required to prevent damage to your home, or the same issue happening again, an example of this would be damp proofing.

Step 5
Our technicians conceal, cover and fill any holes made within the property, replace the removed brickwork, and leave your home the same way we found it, except with a clear cavity and no more problems!

How much insulation is really in your cavity?

The amount of cavity wall insulation varies from home to home, although it is often a more substantial amount than you would think. This job showcases a normal amount of insulation, and as you can see, it is easy to understand why if it does become damp, or is fitted incorrectly, how it will cause problems for your home!


Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation. Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!
Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.





When it comes to the Wall Tie replacement process, you may wonder what happens to the ones that your property previously had in place but are no longer doing their job. In some cases, these wall ties are removed but in other cases, we isolate them!

During our initial wall tie survey, we identify the defects with the existing wall ties, based on how old and rusty they are, if they are still doing their job or if they are a hazard to the stability of the property. This allows us to produce a report with recommendations on the best way to proceed to avoid damage to your home. While we are fitting the new wall ties, we can either proceed with old wall tie removal, or otherwise, isolation.

What is Cavity Wall Tie isolation?

Once the new remedial walls ties have been installed, the isolation of the old and rusty cavity wall ties are isolated to prevent further damage to the cavity wall. This involves fitting can sleeves around the external end of the cavity wall tie, which will effectively isolate it. You can see what this looks like in the image below, where we ahem isolated an old wall tie!

Why can old wall ties cause damage?

If the cavity wall ties continue to corrode and rust, as we would expect them too over time or due to weather, they can force the brickwork further apart, causing more damage and posing risk the walls collapsing, in the most severe cases. If the wall ties get to this stage during our survey and report, we may recommend it is necessary to remove them altogether, instead of isolating.

We offer full reports, to provide you with a full understanding on our teams initial recommendations to ensue the best outcome for your home.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to cavity wall tie inspections and replacement. Our team provide full reports and recommendations , and we are full members of the wall tie federation.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Ties are failing, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




A recent job that looks at how we deal with wall ties and the effects of them, from a different angle than the primary job of wall tie replacement!

When the CavClear team come to assess your home regarding Wall Ties, we carry out our initial wall tie survey. This allows us to identify the defects not only with the Wall Ties themselves, but also the defects caused by failing Wall Ties. This is typically shown through step or staggered cracking on the exterior of the property, like in the image below:

When we find this on a property, it makes it easy to identify that the wall ties aren’t doing their job effectively, which takes us to the next step of finding where the wall ties are placed in preparation for removal and replacement.

In the process of installing remidial wall ties, the step and staggered cracking in the brickwork is stabilised using heli bars to prevent any further movement and damage to the property, take a look here:

Doing this, alongside the replacement of the faulty cavity wall ties , significantly improves the stability and safety of the proper, helping to eliminate the risk of a collapsing wall (which can eventually happen!). However, this small but effective step in the wall tie replacement process, also mends the staggered cracking damage on the exterior of the property, making it less visible and much more aesthetically pleasing!

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to cavity wall tie inspections and replacement. Our team provide full reports and recommendations and we are full members of the wall tie federation.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Ties are failing, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Damp proof course completed: A Step By Step Process

Step 1: Damp and mould identified in the property, which means old plaster needs to be removed.

Step 2: 10mm holes are drilled, and filled with Damp Proofing Cream, to spread through the capillaries and create a barrier for recurring damp.

Step 3: The damp proof membrane is then plugged into the brick, along to the clean affected area, as a secondary measure to prevent damp occurring in the inner walls. This allows for a longer damp proofing system that will protect your home.


Step 4: Plasterboard is then fixed onto the plastic membrane, with all joints and gaps filled, ready for the finishing plaster.

Step 5: Finishing plaster checked off and our work is complete!

If you’ve got damp in your home, this is efficient and effective option for you. The damp proof course prevents damp from the ground rising up the walls and damaging your property. In cases where this is no damp protection layer or even if the damp proof course in place has become damaged over time, excess moisture rising from the ground can rise into your property and lead to a number of issues that become damaging and expensive.

We consider a damp proof course essential for maintaining a healthy and structurally sound property, both of which can quickly become untrue of a property as soon as damp makes its way in.

By acting as a protective layer between your property and the external ground, a damp proof course is something you won’t regret!


Can we help you?

If you find your home is presenting any of these signs of damp, you may find you need damp proofing to prevent moisture intrusion. 

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned about  damp in your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




This weeks damp proof course was carried out after our initial damp survey led the team to discover rising damp within the property!

Rising damp can quickly become a damaging, expensive and somewhat hazardous issue if not dealt with accordingly. This meant, upon delivery of our damp survey report, we recommended a full damp proof course to remove the current damp and ensure no further rising damp occurs.

Damp proofing refers to keeping moisture out of a structure, so let’s find out what’s involved.

What happens in a damp proof course?

First Step: Rising damp is identified on the internal wall, making it clear that moisture is rising from the ground and into the property. This is an obvious sign of rising damp coming up from the ground.

Second Step: Holes are drilled every 110mm, along the lowest mortar line accessible, damp proofing cream (DPC Cream) is then injected.This spreads through the capillaries to create a barrier that prevents further damp from rising.

Third Step: Following the injection and a clean up in preparation, the damp proof membrane is then plugged into the brick, along the affected area. This is secondary protection measure and will again prevent any damp coming through to internal walls providing a longer lasting damp proof system.

Fourth Step: Once the membrane has been placed, plasterboard is then dot and dab fixed over the membrane.

Fifth Step: Once the plasterboard has hardened and all gaps have been filled, skimming (plastering) is carried out to finish. 

Now the damp proof course is complete and the property is no longer at risk of rising damp.

Can we help you?

If you find your home is presenting any of these signs of damp, you may find you need damp proofing to prevent moisture intrusion. 

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned about  damp in your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




We often show the Cavity Wall Insulation removal process, but how do we get to that point or how can you know you need yours removed?

Our cavity inspections provide us with the required information to deliver a full report and recommendation, so you can make the best decision for you and your property. Keep reading to find out the process…

Existing Entry Points

We look for existing entry points (small holes) on the outer wall for us to carry out the borescope inspection. This means no damage is made during the inspection process.

Boroscope Inspection

Our borescope inspection allows us to take a look into the inner cavity, so we can inspect for both Cavity Wall Insulation and rubble that may be cause issues or damp within the property. We are able to see a clear view of the cavity and what’s inside, to determine if the CWI is damp or perhaps not installed correctly.


Based on the outcome of the boroscope inspection, our team of C.W.I Specialists will build a full report with the outcome, as well as our recommendation. Our team will work closely with you to keep you informed, answer any questions, and deliver the report you need to make the best decision for your property.


Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the UK a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




This week involved a Cavity Wall Insulation removal job, that fully cleared out the inner cavity wall.

Take a look behind the scenes…

Our specialised machinary has been used to remove the insulation. The process and machines used are minimally invasive, leaving no mess behind and typically taking only 1-2 days to complete, depending on the size of the property.

Why remove CWI?

Damp Walls: You may find that certain areas of your home feel quite cool or even damp, a tell tale sign of failing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Peeling plaster: Brown, or peeling paint and plaster is a tell-tale sign that the interior of your walls is being exposed to damp and moisture, likely seeping through the Cavity Wall Insulation.

Mould: heavily related and caused by Cavity Wall Insulation, mould is a fungus that develops because of damp and moisture. Mould can present itself all over your property and is a sign that the damp has been lingering in your home for a while.

We love a clear inner cavity, check it out:

How can we help?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the UK a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




A severe case of damp Cavity Wall Insulation was uncovered and removed by the team in this weeks extraction job, which took plsce in Widness.

Let’s take a look:

  This is the damp C.W.I that was discovered within the Cavity. By becoming damp, it has become ineffective and faulty, and would have eventually caused severe damp damage within the property as well as mould.

Following our recommendation, a full C.W.I extraction went underway:


This involved our specialised insulation removal system, which extracted and collected the insulation within the cavity. Like a vacuum, it uses air pressure to suck out the insulation into a bag. This is a clean, seamless, and efficient solution that prevents unnecessary damage to your home.

The Cavity Wall Extraction process is a relatively seamless process when carried out by our team of CavClear professionals, it typically takes 1-2 days to complete, depending on the size of the property.


In a case like this, a full .C.W.I extraction becomes the best and onlyption if you want to prevent further damage to the property. As cavity wall insulation like this  can’t dry out, the damp will seep through the cavity into the inside of the property, which is what often leads to damp patches, mould, peeling wallpaper and much more!

How can we help?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing the UK a prompt cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.
If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for a expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote!

Don’t let the issue get out of hand… Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.




Cavity Wall Insulation extraction carried out by the CavClear team in Denton, due to damp:

The C.W.I within the cavity of this property had become extremely damp, and was in turn causing damp within the internal home. Upon inspection, it was disocvered that the Insulation had become defected due to a leaking roof/gutter.

This allowed the team to recommend a full extraction, preventing any further damage to the property and removing the risk of any more damp.

As can be seen in the final image, the cavity wall was completely cleared out.

This job highlights the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of failing Cavity Wall Insulation, to prevent damp damage in your home.

Cold or Damp Walls

You may find that certain areas of your home feel quite cool, or if you brush part a wall it feels so cold it almost feels damp… this could be a sign of defected Cavity Wall Insulation.

Brown or Peeling Plaster

Somewhat the second stage of the sign above, brown, or peeling paint and plaster is a tell-tale sign that the interior of your walls is being exposed to damp and moisture, likely seeping through the Cavity Wall Insulation.


A result of damp and a serious point of concern is mould. Heavily related and caused by Cavity Wall Insulation, mould is a fungus that develops because of damp and moisture. Mould can present itself all over your property and is a sign that the damp has been lingering in your home for a while.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation, Damp and other related issues and concerns.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


Damp Proof Course and Plastering completed by the CavClear team this week, take a look into the process:

A damp proof course can be required as a preventative measure or otherwise as a secondary solution to discovering damp within a property, and it refers to a barrier that protects against damp rising up the walls of the building. When damp is discovered within a home, a damp proof course may be installed to prevent recurrent damp, otherwise, it may be a  recommended measure to prevent damp occurring within the home, as once damp sets in, it can become a costly issue to fix.

What are the key steps in a damp proof course?

Step 1: Identify the damp or mould within the property, and remove the old and defected plaster in line with the height of rising dampStep 2: 10mm holes are drilled, and filled with Damp Proofing Cream, to spread through the capillaries and create a barrier for recurring damp.
Step 3: The damp proof membrane is then plugged into the brick, along to the clean affected area, as a secondary measure to prevent damp occurring in the inner walls. This allows for a longer damp proofing system that will protect your home.
Step 4: Plasterboard is then fixed onto the plastic membrane, with all joints and gaps filled, ready for the finishing plaster.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation, Damp and other related issues and concerns.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


This weeks Cavity Ventilation job completed:

This job involved post extraction air brick vents being installed into the property, to allow for cavity ventilation.

Why would you need cavity ventilation?

In this case, the property had previously contained damp Cavity Wall Insulation, however, Cavity Wall Insulation cannot dry out. This means that once it is damp, it needs to be removed and the damage cannot be reversed, it also means that the damp cavity wall insulation will create damp throughout the cavity wall, and eventually into the rest of the property, as we often showcase in Cavity Wall Insulation removal jobs!

In this case, the team had already removed damp Cavity Wall Insulation in this property, although the Cavity Wall remained damp, and was causing damp and associated symptoms of damp within the home, which is common if damp Cavity Wall Insulation is not extracted quickly or properly. 

Our team then recommended the installation of air brick vents, post extraction, to allow for the damp within the Cavity Wall to be able to effectively dry out and prevent any further damp or damage occurring within the property. 

As the images show, this is a minimally invasive installation process, and does not affect the appearance of the property once the job is complete.

Can we help you?

Here at CavClear, we specialise in providing a nationwide cost-effective and friendly solution to removing Cavity Wall Insulation, Damp and other related issues and concerns.

Our team are fully approved and accredited to provide you with an easy, effective and high standard of service.

If you are concerned that your Cavity Wall Insulation has become ineffective, or is causing damp to your home, then get in touch now for an expert, no-obligation Cavity Wall Insulation Removal quote.

Get in touch with our friendly team by calling 0333 220 2463 or contact us.


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